Understanding Your Data:

  1. Personal Details: We collect essential personal information including your name, username, password, areas of interest, and profile photo if provided.

  2. Insights into Your Preferences: Relationship data helps us understand your preferences, lifestyle, and interests, aiding in providing tailored services. This includes data from social media interactions and demographic information.

  3. Comprehensive Demographics: Gathering details like gender, age, nationality, occupation, and language preferences allows us to customize your experience effectively.

  4. Contact Information: Your contact details, including address, phone number, email, and social media profiles, enable seamless communication and service delivery.

  5. Transaction Insights: We gather information about your interactions with our services, such as coupon usage, gift card transactions, and cashback claims, to enhance your experience and improve our offerings.

  6. Consent Records: Maintaining records of your consent ensures transparency and compliance with data protection regulations.

  7. Location Data: Precise location data aids in providing location-based services and offers, enhancing your user experience.

  8. Payment and Purchase Details: Securely storing information related to your purchases, payments, and billing ensures smooth transactions and efficient customer service.

  9. Professional Engagements: If applicable, we may collect contact information of your employer to facilitate professional interactions.

  10. User Feedback: Your opinions and feedback, whether sent directly to us or shared publicly, help us improve our services and offerings.

Additional Information We Collect:

  • Usage data, browsing history, and interactions with e-commerce opportunities provide insights into your online behavior.
  • Technical data such as device identifiers, IP addresses, and browsing patterns enable us to optimize our services and enhance security.
  • Information collected through cookies, tags, and other technologies helps personalize your experience and improve our services.

Policy Updates:

We will notify you of any changes to our privacy policy through our website. The revised policy will become effective as specified in the notice. Your continued use of our services indicates acceptance of the updated terms.

[Note: Regularly review our privacy policy for any changes or updates to stay informed about how we handle your data.]